I am going to write about 3 scenes, where the moment of suspension works very effectively.
Scene 1
David comes back from work. He slows down next to Ms Clutter home. When she realises, he is watching her, she seems a bit worry. Murderer drives home and checks if the information about him in the internet really exist- American most wanted. Then Ms Clutter is spending her time with cats. The door bell rings and she goes to open it. However, when she gets there, no one is standing. She looks around for a bit and then comes back inside. One of her cats jumps in front of her. The level of suspense drops and everything seems to be fine from now. But (cat) runs into bedroom. She follows cat, to check if it’s alright. Suddenly, cat runs away. Old woman turns around, but David is waiting for her. He hits and drags her to the basement. He pushes her back, so she falls down. Holding one of her cats, David strangles her till dead. Scene 2
him till dead
Scene 3
Jackie send en email to Susan about David, however she is not in home. David picks up this message and reads it. Then Jackie packs up her suit case. She goes inside the home and makes sure that everything is ok before she goes on holiday. Suddenly, she hears the noise. She looks through the window. The garden's umbrella falls down into the swimming pool, because of the strong wind. She goes outside to take it back. When she is just about to catch it, David appears next to her. Holding his head under the water, he strangles her till dead.
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