Our group is in love with this fantastic movie "Black Swan" Our idea is based on this movie and the main idea of dance and mental problems. However, I did not realised how similar our shots are to these from the "Black Swan". We did not want to copy any of them, we did not plan it and we did not even know until now that there is big link between our thriller opening sequences with the movie. I was looking through the footage and this are the example of intertextuality.
Black Swan
Black Swan
As in the Black Swan we took some shot in the mirror
It take it much more creepy and also creates suspense.
We have only one reflection of the person not like in the
Black Swan.
Black Swan
Black Swan
This is very similar shot , of Natalia Portnman and Eleni who plays Victoria warming up just before rehearsal. They both holding hands on the ballet barre and stretching legs.
This is beautiful close up on the foot. Actuall shot is made in the slow motion which creates a greater effect on the audience.
Black Swan
In this shot the mise-en-scene is different but the characters doing very similar things. Victoria ( in the black costume) is in the rehearsal studio while Natalia Portnman (in the white costume) is in the theatre space.
Black Swan
Black Swan
This last shot is bery effective. It is an extremly close up of the face and eyes of the character. In both situation, it is an essential shot. However, as it is easy to see, in the Black Swan , Natalie Potrman has a red , very scary eyes. In our thriller opening we did not see this ideas as appropriate, so we made it simple.
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